Under the orchard trees at sunset.


This is a very effective twenty minute sketch Paul. Very nice.

Lovely, you have really caught the attitude of an old horse

Very effective,Paul!

Very effective Paul, it reminds me of a linocut.

Like Fiona, I thought it was a linocut at first. Excellent work.

Great work Paul looks like a lino cut!

It’s turned out well Paul. Very eye catching.

Clever and very effective, Paul!

Thank you Denise , Heather , David , Fiona , Lew, Faye, Christine and Anne for you kind comments. It was one of those I will try this out moments , pleased you all like it, It is a bit Lino cut like , certainly uses up the gel pen , must see if I can get a wider one a fine point is not the thing for shading.

Really effective silhouette and quite mysterious

Very different, Paul. That’s what catches the eye.

Moira and Marjorie thank you for your comments and taking the time to look .

Very effective sketch Paul! Like a lot!

Manoj many thanks for your comment.

Very effective, Paul, great composition - it would make a good linocut.

Thanks Jenny , I would not know where to start. Please feel free to use the image if you want to or adapt it.

Thank you Carol for you kind comment.

I thought this was a linocut at first, love the textures and how atmospheric is feels.

Many thank Carrie , appreciate you taking the time to look and comment. It was fun to do, a bit strange too , as I needed to think of the light areas and not the shadows ,shade areas .

This would make a super card Paul- it’s so effective or a Lino cut? I love your drawings

Rachel thank you for you very kind comment it’s much appreciated. A couple of people have suggested Lino cuts , please feel free to use it and have a go.

Hang on Studio Wall

A5 gel pen sketch , approx 20 mins . Old horse caught in the orchard at sunset , trying to hide under the overhanging branches. One of those things that turn out to be fun to do.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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