Exmoor Cottages

Exmoor Cottages

Mick, thanks for putting up the sketch. I often wonder how others prepare for a painting. I find I feel unprepared for oil if I have not sketched in pencils, pastels or watercolour. Yet with pastels I just go straight at it, no prep....and it probably shows. More recently in pastels I have tried doing the same subject in different palettes. Extraordinary how much the dynamics of the image changes dependent on the palette. I follow and enjoy your work but don't always comment if I have nothing constructive to say. Would prefer to see more constructive criticism on the site rather than compliments.

Hang on Studio Wall

Quick sketch of some photos I took of cottages on Exmoor. I'll use this for an oil painting project I have in mind, I've already put a few initial charcoal scratchings down. I think that I'm going for the layout of the bottom left cottage with the chimney central, but who knows, it will probably end up as a conglomerate of them all, perhaps with that church bunged in. Derwent tinted charcoal, Faber-Castell Pitt pastel pencils, Derwent sketching pencils, on A4 W H Smith sketching cartidge.

About the Artist
Mick Saunders

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