Peak district

Peak district

I've stopped even bothering where my pictures come from ...... precious few of my sketches have either dates or places appended to them because I thought I'd remember..... senile old fool can't even remember what he's supposed to be doing in the week, so there was never much chance of that. It doesn't matter at all, so long as you catch the feel, atmosphere of a place, sense of the weather and light: all of which you've got here. Indeed, I logged in just to say so - since it's gone 1am and little old chaps ought to be in bed.....

Lovely to see on a dark winters morning...where ever it is.

Lovely spontaneous feel to this, Mick. I do like the brushwork. I haven't been commenting for a while because I was pretty inundated, so apologies if I missed some of your earlier pieces. I'll get round to it eventually.

Hi Mick, love this painting and fascinated to hear you have managed to merge some images in photoshop, I have not managed to do that yet Any quick tips on how to do it?

Thanks for the visit and comments folks. Ros, I don't think ther are any quick ways for Photoshop, on the screen I get together all the pics with which I wish to work, start slicing bits out of them and saving the bits I want, move them on to a new 'canvas', then start moving them around to make a pictore, when I'm satisfied I merge all, then smooth the edges with the clone tool, only roughly cos this isn't a photo I want to keep for posterity, it gets deleted after I've finished a sketch or painting from the screen. best Mick

Hi Mick Ros P here again, just seen your comment on my climbing boots oil painting, thanks for that very much appreciated, it is quite interesting I have had more comments on this oil work than on any of my other postings, I will have to get on with some more paintings, I discovered pastels and starting doing pet portraits and have rather been waylaid by that since I discovered this website about 12 to 18 months ago, but I will get round to doing some more paintings one of these days, of course one of the developing problems these days on the site seems to be multiple posters! We can post works one day and before the end of the same day we get pushed off the front page without enough people getting chance to see the paintings which is a pain, anyway, thanks again for your comment

Hang on Studio Wall

A painting of a few old photos I took, merged in Photoshop, painted from the screen with old W&N oils on Jackson's 10"x8" canvas board. 50/50, Zest-It, linseed stand oil home made medium. I think this is in the Peak District, but I've a feeling some Exmoor photos got mixed in:-)

About the Artist
Mick Saunders

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