Harlow commons Experiment

Harlow commons Experiment

Your lovely colours and tones shining through again on this one Mick

B***er. (Re. the metadata). Lovely picture, though.

Indeed lovely. Oh well. Low res pics then! Having said that, no one would want mine! Is low res under 100kb? ps I did catch the forum discussion.

Thanmks for the visits and comments folks. Ros, generally stuff for the web has 72 dpi, sometimes 96. However, when you save a jpeg, there is a choice of the file size, 1-12. I think, but don't really know, the higher the number, the bigger the file, and more refined pixels to copy. I usually save at 12, now I have started saving at 7, producing a much smallere file size. Hopefully that will deter anyone trying to copy. best Mick

Hang on Studio Wall

A quick experiment, I've just deleted this pic, then added a load of exif data, then re-loaded. The exif data I added is still there. This is markedly different to the last time I tried this experiment, where the exif data had been removed. I take it all back, I've just rechecked, and the exif data is gone

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Mick Saunders

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