Supporting the NHS – Turning the Gallery Blue.

tug and barges woodbridge

Sombre but beautiful, Alan.

Love the old master’s feel to this very majestic art work Alan.

Agree with Carole’s comments, Alan.

Wonderfully moody Alan

Old ships, sea, sky...all beautifully rendered. What more can you ask?

Impressive Alan, a little Turner esque.

Hints of Turner, I like the highlights, makes it zing.

Oh my, I think this is wonderful. I would hang it on my wall anytime, stunning work

Interesting play of light with an appealing composition Alan.

Blimey Alan, your standards never slip do they, I think this is one of your very best paintings and I too would love to hang it on my wall.

Very striking work, Alan

I love it, Alan: the sky, the light, the water, the composition.... and remind me in future that no more definition than this is required in distant buildings.

Very evocative. Love the white highlights.

I always like your boat scenes, especially with these types of sail.

Excellent, love it

Another very beautiful painting Alan, superb.

I remember this one Alan, one of my favourite subjects too.....not to paint because I couldn’t get anywhere near this quality, but to admire.

Turner and Seago spring to it!

Woof! One of your most powerful paintings yet - superbly carried off: love that plume of smoke, and as someone else has remarked, the old master touch: reminding me of Dutch sea paintings (some of which I sold from an antique shop 50 years ago) which I've always enjoyed.

Top notch Alan, a real beauty.

Really very effective in the more muted tones Alan.

Hang on Studio Wall

Thanking everyone in the NHS for their dedication and commitment, it is greatly appreciated by the nation. Pic: Steam Tug & Spritsail Barges at Woodbridge.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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