Oast Houses and Barns.

Oast Houses and Barns.

I'm getting too many favourites of yours Alan, I've just added this to the list :) I love everything about it from your sky with those whispy clouds, to your buildings and your exceptional trees, especially that left hand one.

Wonderful warming painting of winter. Superb as usual and great technique throughout.

lovely feeling of sunlight well drawn and painted Alan David Harrison

Another super work Alan, with your favourite Orange / Blue complementaries. Like Val I think that left hand tree is so well painted.

Well thank you Val, Willie, David and Stephen, nice of you to comment. The tree is possibly more of a carbon pencil job, so much easier to get the thin branches.

A lovely piece Alan. Lovely colour choices and great shadows, a real crisp look to it.

Eye catching as ever Alan. It looks as if the clouds are hurrying across the sky at a rate of knots.

Lovely work Alan. Another vote for the tree on the left!

Cheers for that Andre, Sarah and Peter, appreciated.

Great quality Alan agree with all and also love your buildings

Your fantastic colours again Alan but how can you call it a quick blast, it would take me ages to get the buildings more or less correct! You are so good!

That tree on the left is fabulous, then leading to the last houses. Love the warmth.

All the previous comments plus love the swipe of orange which gives it the sparkle

Really like this, Alan, lovely warm colours and it captures the feel of a gusty day.

Excellent piece Alan!

The bright red roof acts as a good anchor point and draws the eye in first of all. I like the glow of yellow in the foreground echoed by the splashes of yellow in the sky too. The trees create lovely vertical movement. For a 'quick' sketch this is very well composed Alan!

Beauty Alan, good country scene with vibrant colour.

What lovely comments and I really do enjoy reading them, thank you so much.

Hang on Studio Wall

Mixed media, oil, oil pastel, carbon pencil, etc, on watercolour board. 15 x 11in. No outdoor sketching yesterday, commitments, so had a quick studio blast on this old theme.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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