View towards the Beacon outcrop.

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I like this a lot Alan and the colours are great. I like a bit of finger painting but my clothes don't!

So much substance to those trees done with 'simple smears of colour.' You make it sound so easy Alan!

Lovely work Alan just keep away from the maddening crowds and you should be fine.

I like your style Alan and happy painting in the great outdoors. I'm going to try using my fingers next painting!

Super use of fingers Alan. Watch you don’t lick them afterwards. Keep safe.

Nice painting Alan, like your choice of colours.

A beautiful soft palette, just suited to early morning Alan. Yes looks like most of us are keeping to countryside just now, keep well Alan x

Another exceptional painting. Great to hear a little of your working methods.

Super painting and so fresh....must be the all that fresh air.

Lovely, so simple, so very effective!

Superb! What else can one say?

Thanks everyone, not one of my best, but it’s more a case of making the effort at the moment.

Subtle and effective use of colour Alan - I really appreciate your application of paint.

Hang on Studio Wall

16 x 20in oil on board, a rapid plein air oil painted earlier this week. It was early morning and not a great light to paint in, but I have managed to pick out and enhance some of the colours. Many of the trees were indicated with simple ‘smears’ of colour, applied with my finger, quick and effective. I’m self-isolating, but still getting out and about to paint, keeping to the countryside obviously, of which there is an abundance where I live.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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