David Clark
I've always drawn, but I never took Art as a subject at school, and I've never had any lessons or tuition. I've always doodled in idle moments, and sketched for my own amusement, but I never had the guts to try painting before 2015. I joined the Afan Nedd artists' group that summer, finally plucking up courage to start trying to paint. I've found the atmosphere incredibly supportive, despite the fact that my results have been decidedly mixed, and while I'd never call myself an artist I'm absolutely loving it. I started off with what I knew, drawing, and then began drawing in charcoal, and much to my surprise even managed to sell quite a few of my drawings. A few weeks after joining I screwed my courage to the sticking post and started painting in acrylics, and even though I've been doing it since the summer of 2015 I've got a hell of a lot to learn. Still, on the odd occasions when the finished product looks anything like what's in my head it's been really satisfying. This has given me the confidence to branch out a little bit, and try to produce proper watercolours, and ink and wash pictures as well.
Latest Blogs
1st ever successful on the spot line and wash
About the first time I've managed to make a line and wash…
100 Faces of Port Talbot - Under my umbrella - ella - ella
How I crouched in a doorway, under an umbrella, to produce…
100 Faces of Port Talbot - Conversation
How I was approached by an older gent while sketching this…
100 Faces of Port Talbot - What do you pick?
A brief discussion of the problems of choosing what sketches…
100 Faces Of Port Talbot - Now live and kicking
I've created my new blog 100 Faces of Port Talbot, to…