In the Hall of the Mountain King


A beauty 😍

Wonderful painting Fiona. So much to see. Movement and mystery everywhere.

This is brilliant Fiona. Such an interesting painting.

Interesting work! You have a very original and effective style, which reminds me of Turner. I love it.

Superb painting, love it.😀

Gorgeous, really evocative Fiona

Fabulous colours in this painting Fiona.

Oh wow, love it!

Some great textures and colours in there. Fascinating piece

Thank you for your lovely comments. My style Bill, has been quite eclectic but hopefully seems to be finding its own voice!

Fascinating painting - love the pastel colours on the right in the foreground (and can see a pair of eyes in the centre which add to the intrigue!)

Absolutely marvellous painting Fiona… everything about it. Intriguing.

Love the phantasmagorical atmosphere, and the lovely textures and layers that create depth and energy. Super work, Fiona.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on cradled board 44 x 40cm

About the Artist
xxFionaxx xxBellxx

Inspired by being out on the moors, fells mountains and coasts of northern England ( the best part of the country!), inspired me to start painting though I had procrastinated for several years. But, I did start in September 2022 during a time of recovery from a leg injury. Now, painting is almost an…

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