Almost forgotton


It's made a great painting Fiona.

Wonderful lights and darks and a great atmospheric painting Fiona.

Smashing atmosphere Fiona and an interpretation of what's underground really well met.

Thank you George, Carole and Heather, Mining for iron must have been a dirty business and, I was hoping that the colours reflected that.

A terrific painting Fiona, I think you’ve captured the look, feel and even colours of the mining scene.

Tells its own grim story Fiona. Nice work.

You can feel the heat from the ironworks emanating from this painting. Great work Fiona.

Very effective Fiona - really like it!

The wonderful lights and especially darks caught my eye straight away.

Thank you Tessa, Jim, Spencer, Sarah and Sandra. Your comments are very much appreciated.

Beautiful work, very atmospheric!

Wonderful work Fiona , thank you for liking my latest

I like the light in it. Very accomplished.

Wow! I love the colour palette and the foreground mark-making.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on board 33cm x 41cm. This painting is inspired by a derelict kiln at Rosedale, North Yorkshire, where iron stone was mined and heated in kilns. Mining ceased many years ago. I wanted to capture the essence of the processing in reference to the ore rich landscape.

About the Artist
xxFionaxx xxBellxx

Inspired by being out on the moors, fells mountains and coasts of northern England ( the best part of the country!), inspired me to start painting though I had procrastinated for several years. But, I did start in September 2022 during a time of recovery from a leg injury. Now, painting is almost an…

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