Quiet bridge in Connemara

Quiet bridge in Connemara

Beautiful - just looked through your gallery - lovely, lovely work !

Really lovely colour mixing Sharon - a most attractive painting.

Two beautiful new paintings to add to your superb gallery. Love them both.

Love the colours you have used and how they merge so effectively.

superb use of transparent colours and washes. The water in particular is excellent

A stunner! Great colour palette.

I'm still looking at it and realising what a clever painting it is- It says so much more than what is obvious. The sunlight under the bridge and that hint of reflection in the water beyond of trees that can't be seen; the flat slabs of rock under the water and the lovely colours in the shadows under the bridge.

Really pleasing colour combinations..I love the turquoise and mauve...

Wow! Beautifully painted.

This is a real cracker - into bridges myself at the moment and only hope I can do them the same justice as you have done here.

Excellent work. I do like it.

This is wonderful, Sharon, and so typical of the west of Ireland; the rocks where I live in Kerry are the same and it can be quite a challenge to paint them. You've done a magnificent job and this is just beautiful.

Absolutely stunning. Your palette is gorgeous, and there's so much depth captured in the push and pull of the washes.

Lovely palette and great picture, Sharon :)

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments - I so enjoyed painting this as it brings back such wonderful memories of a very special place

Gorgeous bridge painting Sharon, beautiful stone work and water as well

Hang on Studio Wall

An exercise in colour mixing on the page - all Connemara seemed to have mauves and pinks in the rocks and mountains.

About the Artist
Sharon Rogers

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