From the layby Avon Causeway ( Watercolour 16.5" x 10.5" on Saunders 300lb Rough )

From the layby Avon Causeway ( Watercolour 16.5" x 10.5"  on Saunders 300lb Rough  )

Beautiful wet in wet work on the trees and grass. Lovely greens too.

I loved reading the description of your colours. I need to take much more care in the preparation of my colours.

Thanks for the comments Diana. I reckon I could have got away with just the Hookers green, but as I have the others I used them too.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is a regular stopping place for my wife and myself. The Layby overlooks the Avon Causeway, and is a great place to watch the birds, and cattle feeding on the water meadows. However, if you look away from the obvious beautiful views, there is a gate that looks onto this more modest view of a farmers field with a second gate and a stand of trees that sepearates it from more pasture land that slopes down to the river. Sometomes cattle take in the shade from the sun under the trees, as with this scene. The sky was a mix of King's Blue Light, with Winsor Blue ( Red Shade), plus a little Cobalt Violet Light near the horizon. The far tree line was Ultramarine plus Permanent Rose and some Lemon Yelow in places ( W&N's duller Nickel Titanate one). The greens were Hookers, Sap, and May green, often altered with Cad Yellow pale, Naples yellow, Ultra, Burnt Umber, or Winsor Violet. Finally, the darks were mostly Burnt Umber and Ultramarine. A little white gouache was used.

About the Artist
Bob Biggart

I'm an amateur artist who started to paint in watercolours about 1990, when I found that the watercolours I admired in galleries were way beyond my price range. My thinking was that in time I might be able to produce paintings that I could hang on my wall at home, and be happy with. At theā€¦

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