Looking West

Looking West

Very effective Stephen. Lovely watercolour.

What a superb sky I love those areas of white paper highlights on the top of the foreground hill.

Excellent work, Stephen. Beautiful light in that painting.

A gorgeous silhouette painting, Stephen. Love the bright colours in the sky.

You always produce something different in your paintings Stephen and this is no exception, another beautiful painting 😀

Beautiful Stephen - reminds me of my hillwalking days.

Wonderful painting, Stephen.

Lovely sense of depth here with the receding hills and the silhouetted figures work well.

Many thanks Brian, Diana, Lewis, Mia, Linda, Lynn, Casare and Stephen for your kind comments. I like to paint different subjects hoping one day something will click.

Very dramatic Stephen.i agree lovely watercolour.

Super painting Stephen

Lovely painting Stephen. Great limited colours and I especially like that little area of rough ground in the front left hand side.

Love that feelng of 'weather'...spot on, Stephen!

Many thanks Val-Irene, David, Tessa, Dorothy and Thalia.

Great sense of distance Stephen, almost reminiscent of the final scene in the film "Last of the Mohicans" . Lovely work and the figues give it a sense of life.

I agree, lovely watercolour with a real sense of height and distance.

Fabulous Stephen!

Love this, great scene Stephen.

Beautiful composition and watercolour washes.

Hang on Studio Wall

About the Artist
Stephen Kelly

My Father was an artist and I wanted to follow in his footsteps but sadly he died when I was 8 which changed everything. When it was time to earn a living, Uncle Norman said " I'll get you a job Lad" so I became an apprentice photo retoucher, not fine art but a job. The work was intimidating as…

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