Noel, Noel, Noel ....... Oh Hell....

Noel, Noel, Noel ....... Oh Hell....

A good take on robins Robert. Enjoy the season whatever you may be doing this year.

Lovely to see your Robin getting into the spirit of things Robert, I hope you have the opportunity over the festive period to do the same! Merry Christmas!

This I a cracker Robert funny , happy Christmas

Love this little chap! Very best wishes for a great Christmas Robert.

He looks so surprised, Robert. Lovely!

Love the humour Robert. Best wishes for the season.

A lovely little Robin. Thanks Robert and merry Christmas from me :)

He looks how I feel ! Oh hell is quite fitting 🤗 Thanks for the good wishes, hope you have happy healthy Christmas and New Year Robert.

This made me smile, Robert. Have a great Christmas 🎄

Love his expression, a fun card. Happy Christmas Robert.

A very cute little robin - Happy Chistmas to you too Robert.

He's got that slightly glazed expression that comes from that extra piece of Christmas pud you thought you could manage. Have a great Christmas.

Nice work Robert, raised a smile right off. All the very best to you and yours...

Love this card Robert. Most of us feel like this at this time of the year. Very best wishes for the festive season &2018.

Merci a tout le monde (that's yer actual French). I hope to post a few more things next year - this one has been taken up with mostly pro bono commissions: I'd like a bit o' dosh next year..... all that cadmium red won't pay for itself, you know.

Hang on Studio Wall

This year's Christmas card, with appropriate wishes to all and sundry. Something of a rush job this year, I fear, but dedicated, as one is, to the common weal, other activities have got in the way. Watercolour.

About the Artist
Robert Jones, Napa

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015.…

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More by Robert Jones, Napa