''Pod of Orca whales, Killary Connemara''

''Pod of Orca whales, Killary Connemara''

A nice painting Peter...I can certainly tell that you are using your imagination to its fullest extent. Hopefully there are no Scots reading this... Loch Lomond is the correct spelling and defitly no whales of any description as it is a Land locked Loch..... you could have added some "midges" though as they are plentiful. Full marks for having fun.

Nice painting , love the colours and reflections

Thankyou for pointing out my spelling mistake Sylvia and also the fact that Loch Lomand happens to be a land locked loch (bit of a tongue twister that) I have now taken the opportunity to correct both oversights by changing the title from '' Pod Of Orcas Loch Lomand'' to ''Pod Of Orcas, Killary Connemara''. Killary is a fjord on the west coast of Ireland and unless there has been a very recent tectonic shift of some sort it is definitely not a land locked loch (I can't say that quickly). Thankyou again for your kind and very welcome observations lol :) Thankyou also David for liking my painting. P.S. I will not change the original intro so that others might see and maybe even get the joke :)

This is an excellent painting peter. Who cares about the geographical accuracy? Certainly not me. This is art!

How delightful this looks Peter and what an imagination you have!! I do see the funny side, you sure this isn't the loch ness monster?

Thankyou very much Michael for commenting. And thanks again for calling my painting art , that means a lot to me.

Thankyou Margaret. I see the likness to a snakelike creature and that was brilliantly observed by you. In the light of this revelation I may have to come up with another new title. I'll ponder that for awhile as I don't like making rash decisions on such important matters.

Like the new name Peter ...yes Land Locked Loch is a bit of a tongue twister try saying that after a few of Scotlands favourite tipple . 😊

Thanks again Sylvia. I do love a tipple now and then of the scotch variety.

Hang on Studio Wall

Although there is a strong family connection with Loch Lomand it is a place I have never been. When I embarked on this fun painting both orca whales and Loch Lomand were the furthest things from my mind.The painting is purely from the imagination and evolved into what it is now. I added the whales as an afterthought to provide a focal point of interest. It was a toss up between the whales and a north american indian paddeling a canoe. I haven't checked but I don't suppose that orcas frequent Loch Lomand very regularly if at all but with a painting from the imagination all things are possible.

About the Artist
Peter Buchanan

Hi, I'm Peter and I paint with watercolours. I have always loved the outdoors and I like to try to paint my favourite landscape and seascape scenery using watercolours. I always feel that painting is a journey and that I make progress steadily but not rapidly and that my best paintings are yet to…

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