The Cheesewring - Minions

The Cheesewring - Minions

What a lovely painting Pete, a super feeling of distance in this.

You’ve got the hang of the paper by the look of this Pete, it’s a wonderful watercolour. The rock formation looks 3d it’s so well painted.

Thanks Brian

My thanks Margaret.

Nice one Pete,

Many thanks Fiona. Your input is always appreciated.

Thank you David.

Like Margaret I love the terrific sense of distance achieved here Pete. Well painted detail in the foreground and real sense of the far away beyond it....Nice work.

Thanks Jim.

Thank you John.

Brill, Pete.

Thanks Shirley

The harmony of colour is beautiful and that sky is glorious

I often wonder how some of these formations are arranged and don't easily believe the first explanation. Lovely work.

Posted on Fri 16 Mar 08:12:38

Thanks Diana and Ibolya. Your comments mean a lot.

A wonderful piece of work.

This is good Peter, an impressive piece and one of your best to date.

Also known as the Devil's Cheese Ring. I twisted my ankle on the boulders, when I visited on a school trip here over 50 years ago! Lovely painting.

Brilliant works really well. Tried to paint this myself when we lived in Lanivet. I was not as successful as you!! Your Cheesering leaps off the page.

Thanks Lewis

Thanks a lot Alan. it is appreciated.

Ouch! Linda. I've never been up close, although I've seen it loads of times as I used to visit the mast at Caradon Hill. Perhaps I'll try for a plein air session at the Hurlers this year. Thanks for your input.

My thanks, Thalia.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on Two Rivers NOT paper. 300lb. 1/2 imperial. The Cheesewring is a rock formation on the edge of Bodmin Moor. It is a natural formation formed by the weather, which is amazing considering it’s solid granite! I had a bit more success with the paper on this outing as I soaked it for a while before starting.

About the Artist
Pete Batho

Hi. My name's Pete. I'm a self-taught artist living and working in Cornwall UK. Originally from Staffordshire, I moved to Cornwall in 1997 with my job as a Telecoms Engineer. Now retired, I took up painting again after a long period of inactivity. I first laid brush to paper in the 70’s when I…

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