

Very sensitively done, and wonderful colour. Please could you tell me what size it is?

Lovely sensitive painting, Diana. Nice to see your work again...I haven't been logging in regularly this year so far. Glorious colour. looks like magnolia, but not sure that it matters, it is so delightful, such beautifully shaped buds....Ain't nature great! And Roll on Spring. Best wishes to you....

Simple composition, simple use of palette = fantastic painting!!!

Really beautiful! Agree with Alan, simple composition that works so well because it is so sensitvely painted. Gorgeous rich colours.

Size added Lesley; sorry I forgot. Thank you all for the kind comments. I've been struggling with reds so ditched all of them and bought a new set of transparent colours. I think it worked, well it certainly helped. Just two reds Alan and a touch of blue in the flowers. Yes Ruth it is magnolia. I can never remember the name of it when I need it. We call it tulip tree.

Was Permanent Rose one of the reds, I wonder? Whatever it was, they've worked well - like the touches of drybrush in some of the petals. And the background.

It was indeed Robert. Permanent rose overglazed in places to brighten it with scarlet lake.

This is so striking, I really, really like it. Wonderful shapes and colours and you've done the "lost nand found" edges beautifully. Lovely reds.

Absolutely gorgeous, lovely painting.

You keep sneaking these paintings onto the gallery and I keep missing them! This is absolutely wonderful. The lost and found edges make the painting, as it becomes so interesting. The branches are beautifully depicted. Perfect background as well. I hope my magnolia flowers as well as this one this year!

Don,t know how I missed this painting Diana, it really is beautiful, very well painted.

I've enjoyed looking through your gallery. Your work is beautiful.

beautiful painting of a well chosen subject.

I have just been looking at all your wonderful flower paintings. Particularly like the aquilegia - a very strong rendering which works really well, and of course the magnolia. They are really lovely.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 40cm wide by 30 cm I tried hard this time to get some lost and found edges.

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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