Quali in love (NFS)

Quali in love (NFS)

Very nice, a lovely look. Nice fur.

Many thanks. This is my favourite of all my pieces- her expression is just so gentle.

Hello Diana, got your comment ok thankyou for your help, seems to be working ok now. your beautifull quail has been rendered by you beautifully. i envy you to be able to capure her in a loving sketch, its somehow so much more personel and heartwarming. how old was she diana? had you had her from a pup? its so hard when we lose them, you have all this love to give, but they are not there to recieve it, so you feel so lost. i expect you feel the way i do at the moment... somewhere between feeling concussed and somewhat inebreated, difficult to rest or eat. all perfectly normal they tell me. i just had to go for a walk at dawn yesterday as we would as normal, i know he was there in spirit with me. barney was a lovely little soul a cross between a poodle and a terrier, he was rescued from an abusive home,i only had him for 5 yrs and he came with lots of health problems and other baggage. it was so nice to see him start to trust people again he loved other dogs, and one man in particular who we met on our walks with his dog,he was bessoted with. ( this was unusual as it was a man who abused the little chap .)he was quite clingy and got very upset if i wasn't where he could see me. ive never had a dog before only cats, sadly they have all gone now. he was just too good to be true, he never barked was so obideient and would let me do anything to him without any fuss. i know we all belive our dogs are special, and i expect as was yours. but we have no option but to nurse our heartbrake do we? will you consider having another? i'm not sure! maybe i shall see what fate will bring. i did venture onto a website that was selling puppies and saw the most adorable pup that could have been a miniture barny, it was a " Jackapoo " a cross between a toy poodle and a jack russell. my husband wanted to rush out and buy him for me, but said not ready to . even though he was cute cute cute. kind regards Diana irene.

I got Quali when she retired from show and breeding at 6 years old. She was almost 14 when she died. The gentlest, easiest dog you could ever imagine. My vet loved treating her; the only dog that would lie on her back and go to sleep in the clinic. She had chronic pancreatitis for 5 years but it was a mast cell tumour that got her in the end. I miss her so much but I have her cheekiness here in her 11 month old great granddaughter; oh yes despite being so quiet she had a real sense of humour.

What alovely drawing...you have captured the personality so well! Love your drawings. Do you paint too? Look forward to seeing some paintings soon?!

Thank you very much Jackie. This is my absolute favourite of everything I've ever done. Her expression is just so perfect. If you click on my name above these comments it will take you to my whole gallery of paintings.

Hang on Studio Wall

Couldn't resist her expression. Just a pencil sketch.

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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