You've gotta be Joking

You've gotta be Joking

Love this Diana and you caught it perfect well done

Great expression - made me smile. Very well captured Diana.

Such a cute face!

Absolutely hilarious, spot-on.

Many thanks; the expression really tickled me. I think the lower left shady side has gone a but muddy but am quite pleased with the rest

Beautifully done, Diana, love the combination of warm and cool hues in this one.

So funny . Maybe he has just heard about your "inheritance" and wants to be friends to.

He's still making me smile Diana :)

Wonderful expression!

He or she is fantastic - beautifully done (as always) and (also as always) I have no idea at all how you&#39;ve done it!<br /><br />I have often been scorned and laughed at by wicked dogs ..... never let it be said they haven&#39;t a sense of humour, anyone who has ever kept them knows full well that they have: I still remember trying to draw Emma the Alsatian, who kept creeping nearer and nearer to me, then suddenly shoved her snout beneath my drawing pad and, with an artful flick upwards, sent it flying - then sat back with her tongue hanging out, laughing her head off..... crouching down on her front legs with a bark suggesting I should just pack this nonsense in and play...... <br /><br />Eee, I miss that dog!

Robert, never let anyone tell you that dogs don&#39;t have a sense of humour or intelligence. They shoudl watch my young one go and bark at the door so the old girl who is 99% deaf but can still hear a bark will leave her pan she&#39;s washing out to run and investigate then the young one dashes to grab the pan. My old girl doesn&#39;t flip the drawing pad but will knock your drawing arm up when you aren&#39;t paying her enough attention

Terrific, Diana! Very unusual pose!!!!....but all the better for it.

Great expression and very well captured. Reminds me very much of my own dog in similar pose.

Hang on Studio Wall

From a photo by Karen Broemmelsick Polychromos

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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