That cat again

That cat again

Beautifully done Diana, to have done this with coloured pencil is amazing, gorgeous eyes and colours

Thank you. I got tired of being told my work was too detailed in watercolour and should be more .loose . This is my style and I'm sticking to it. You can't do "loose" really in CP

Super colours and so tactile - CP certainly suits your style.

Good for you Diana for sticking to what you are good at and comfortable with.This is terrific and the eyes are amazing.

Amazing detail Diane. I love it. Definitely stick with the CP.

Thank you Fred and Lesley. I will certainly stick to my own style but watercolour will always be my first love regardless of whether it's loose or not LOL

Superb!! Beautifully rendered fur and the eyes are wonderfully realistic. Your style and skill shine out!

A beautiful cat. There is a lot to be said for CPs.

Stunning! Beautiful colour and texture.

Thank you all so much. I am pretty pleased with this one.

As I said on AF, just stunning. I'm green with envy LOL

Staggeringly good work, on which I'm happy to say I've commented on several other sites. And I'm not even very fond of cats..... Used to keep rats, you see. On the whole (although there have been exceptions) rats and cats really don't see eye to eye. And my dog didn't either: although she put up with rats - in the sense of "where did these puppies come from? They're not mine: I'm sure they're not mine.... Are they mine? And why are the puppies nibbling my claws? And why are they licking up my dribble?" She was very puzzled. But tolerated them, and allowed them to go to sleep against her substantial flanks. But then, she was an Alsatian; and Alsatians are bright. Cats have also adopted rats - pictures abound on the internet ..... kittens; ikkle kittens.... um.... what are these tails? They're furry: oh for goodness sake, they must BE kittens..... but... but somehow one senses a strange sense of difference; what can it be? Wherein does it reside? Oh never mind: let's snuggle! And all the while, the rats - far more intelligent than dogs, cats or, indeed, humans, take an artful and underhand advantage. That's right: we're puppies; kittens; ikkle lovable furbies - grasp us to your bosom. Feed us tempting sweetmeats. Stuff our furry chops with foodstuffs, and, by the way,don't neglect to stroke our heads, massage our necks and shoulders, and generally spoil us cruel-rotten! I've kept rats. They are, I can tell you, the most supreme of supreme beings. Cats come a good second. Dogs third. Hamsters, degus, guinea pigs - well, rank them as you will. But let no one doubt that the rat triumphs over all in terms of intelligence, nobility, social charm and grace. I can see some of you aren't convinced. Come come. Pull yourselves together. Take David Cameron; compare him to a rat (1), cat (2), dog (3). See my point? Well OF COURSE you do!

Robert, whatever you're drinking, I'll have some please! ROFLOL. Afraid I shall have to put them in a different order. Dogs, Cats (although I'm severely allergic and can't go near them, then rats to which I'm also allergic but agree they are incredibly intelligent, then people. Son's girlfriend keeps rats- and hamsters, mice, you name it. One of my dogs just looked at the hamster in amazement then ignored it. Other one wanted to eat it.

Congratulations Diana for this spectacular watercolour painting!

Beatrice it's NOT watercolour.

A lovely piece, Diana, and both your colored pencil work and watercolors are excellent. Good on you for not allowing others to dictate your artistic expression!

Hang on Studio Wall

Pure Coloured pencil. Decided to take CP work seriously..............

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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