Secret visitor

Secret visitor

You've done a superb painting from that photo Diana, the bunny is lovely but I like the way you've painted the background as well it looks so natural.

Thank you Val; for once i think I got leaves right LOL. I think it needs a few negatively painted leaves in the darkness.

Lovely creature, Diana.....Hope he doesn't grow up to nibble too much of that beautifully painted foliage!

Great work Diana!! Not seen any work here for ages. Love this piece :)

Thank you Ruth and Paul. No Ruth it hasn't been back eating plants once it realised there are dogs here LOL. There have been plenty of paintings Paul; the latest for the HeptARThlon competition

This is lovely Diana - they are lovely little animals but they destroy our vegetable patch as we have lots of them here so we are getting a rabbit - proof - fence next spring (thats a great film by the way - called rab proof fence). I dont think you need any more darks ? your darks are very clean - what colours did you use ? I havent done any wc in ages and really miss it but oils are easier to do plein air ?

Burnt umber and prussian blue for the darks. We gave up on growing veg but because of slugs not rabbits. This is the first we've seen in the garden in over 20 years; same week as that incredible pheasant.

I like this - we see quite a lot of these: my landlord wants to shoot them, my landlady catches him polishing the shotgun and shouts NOOOOOO! And I creep up on him when he's taking aim and just say "Boo!" It's amazing I've not been evicted, really. But they really are a blithering nuisance, unfortunately. Still, if you go to my mate Ken Bushe's website, you'll see he's got a rabbit: great painter: and great rabbit! I think, Diana, you've well and truly got your mojo back.

Well thank you Robert. Actually I think I might side with your landlord Ooops shoot me down in flames but they do taste so good! Your friend's rabbit is sweet; definitely not for the pot

You've caught a lovely moment here Diana, looks as if he/she is about to have a nap!

Bautifully painted. I can feel him warming in the sunshine.....

He (or she) is gorgeous, beautiful background too Diana.

Very nicely painted. I do like how you have caught the fur so well :)

A lovely painting, Diana, absolutely delightful!

Hang on Studio Wall

Discovered at the back of our garden. Having two dogs we rarely get rabbits in the garden. This was just a baby.

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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