March Forum Challenge - swan chase

March Forum Challenge - swan chase

This is full of movement, Margaret. It certainly fits the challenge.

Love this action packed sketch Margaret!

Great sketch

Tremendous stuff Margaret.

High drama. Nice work, Margaret.

This lovely, very minimalist but full of movement.

Lovely lively sketch, Margaret.

Great activity in this charming sketch Margaret.

Action packed ,very cleverly sketched, love it, Margaret.

That's a beauty Margaret, delicate but full of movement 😀

Excellent piece Margaret, really gets the aggressive movement here.

A super sketch Margaret.

This is so full of action I'm feeling quite sorry for the swan in front. good one Margaret.

Thank you very much for all your comments - much appreciated :)

Great sense of movement excellent work

Super sketch Margaret, I like the little splash of watercolour....very good.

This is brilliant Margaret, and the blue finishes it perfectly.

Thank you Dermot, Fiona and Emma :)

Great dynamism, Margaret!

I’d frame it Margaret. Fresh, alive and beautifully drawn

Hang on Studio Wall

Artist pen and watercolour wash from one of my photos of a swan chase at RSPB Mersehead - the swan doing the chasing was really moving!

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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