

Very good use of positive and negative shapes, Louise. Love the distillation of just the essential details. You're really good at this!

I agree with Seok, you are so good at these loose sketches. I've just attempted one of the inside of Liverpool Cathedral :( In my minds eye I saw it as shapes and colours and a looseness not dissimilar to your paintings. Unfortunately that is not the way it turned out so another one bites the dust LOL

Thank you Seok and Val. These two took minutes to paint, no stress and no messing about trying to correct mistakes and more importantly, fun to do!

I like the simple blocks of colour, they go to make a great scene.

Often simpler is better, I'm a great fan of slapping the paint on quickly, painting is supposed to be fun. I like the abstract shapes in this and your next one, and the bold simple colors. It would be interesting to make it even more abstract and see how much detail you could leave out and still be recognizable. Like your website by the way.

Posted by K 0 on Tue 11 Feb 16:19:05

I can't do painting quickly or just slapping paint on in a confident and gung ho way, so I really admire anyone who can do that. This has been executed with energy and conviction and it shows in the aura the painting exudes. You ARE very good at these, Louise!

What can I say - these last two paintings are on the money for me. They are colourful, fresh, and sparkling with life. Really REALLY good.

Thank you all, I know which direction to go now with the city paintings!

Hi Louise – do you still have that picture you did of Saddleworth Moor Mar 2012? Or the quick sketch you posted more recently ’Castelfield’ looking towards the Beetham tower? If so would you be interested in selling any?

Hang on Studio Wall

Looking towards the Beetham tower quick sketch.

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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