
Claire finished 1

You've done a good job with this portrait, Owen. I think, on this one, the lines add a certain character to the work. Glasses aren't an easy addition, well observed. Maybe use a H or H2, pencil. I find these great for botanical studies.

She certainly looks a jolly, happy soul. I hope she likes your painting.

Well you certainly rescued this Owen - lovely result. And I love the way you’ve done those higgledy-piggledy beads.

Have seen the progress on the Forum and this is a super end result

Excellent portrait not a easy subject in watercolours but you have done a great job.

Good result! Great painting, I hope she likes it.

Thank you Carol. Yes, lighter pencil makes sense now that I have a bit of control. I managed to accidentally erase pencil in the first washes of earlier paintings. Sandra, expressions cross her face like nobody else, smile - serious - eyes over glasses - back to smile in seconds 😄

Yes Owen you have excelled in painting Claire's portrait, lovely smile captured and looks so life-like, well done!

Marjorie, thank you. The beads were fun and they certainly help to balance the composition. Heather & Paul thanks. It has been fun looking at a smile. I enjoy the preparation that, for me, is a big part of painting faces. It damps down the anxiety.

Such a jolly face and a lovely watercolour. Love the hat and the warm, harmonious, colours Owen.

Very well done Owen, excellent colours.

A really good portrait Owen which I saw progress on the Forum. Not sure about the pencil lines but apart from that, a super result.

I think this is a lovely, natural portrait and well painted. I don't mind the pencil lines.

A lovely happy portrait - super work, Owen!

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on 1/4 sheet (undersize A3) cold pressed paper. A portrait of a family friend. Worked out quite well - look for Claire in the WIP forum for details. I'm most pleased with the eyes (correcting for lens distortion) but the pencil lines are too distracting. This is one is 'in the bag' so that I can be more adventurous on future studies and pieces.

About the Artist
Owen Lloyd

Started on Bob Ross. Great fun, fast and confidence building. Progressed to Mark Carder oils. The first time I could paint what saw. Now doing watercolour due to time restrictions. Sloooow progress.

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