Red rose

Red rose

And that is how a rose should look. Beautiful Carole...

Incredibly natural Carole! Must have been so hard not to get lost in the petals. Brilliant!

You are one very talented lady...beautiful!

Perfection Carole!

A rose of sheer beauty Carole.

Beautiful, sumptuous colour.

Many thanks everyone for your kind comments.

Awesome Carole

Another Beauty!


Beautiful, your leaf is impressive too

Yes Carole, another well painted flower, what a stunning red!.

Very beautiful, Carole.

Posted on Wed 19 Jul 14:43:28

A lovely study, Carole. I do like the way you've created the volume in the bloom.

Beautiful Carole

Thanks so much. There was much scrubbing out and many glazes, so appreciate your comments so much.

Lovely as always, Carole!

A wonderful rose, painting is wonderful.

What a beauty Carole! This really is a stunner, it looks like a really old fashioned type rose which smells beautifully.

Thanks again for kind feedback :)

That's a cracker Carole :)

What a beauty..... I think roses are one of the most difficult flowers to paint, Carole you have painted a stunner. well done

Thank you Val, Maureen and Tao.

Missed this wonderful rose, Carole. Very impressive flower.

Very kind of you thanks Cesare.

This is truly a beauty, Carole! I love the way you've created the shading of the blossom as well as the texturing and detail of the leaves - so well done.

Gorgeous. I have pages to wade through .... One should not let the gallery get away from one!

Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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