

Fantastic sky, expressive lively biro marks,lovely loose trees and bushes ( I can't see any muddy colours ) Wish I could produce "failures " like this :)

I tend to agree with Val, there does not seem to be much wrong with this Fiona, the sky especialliy is very good. There is a nice variety of colours in the trees and the shadows in the foreground work well too. Perhaps a more positive title for the gallery would help, 'trials and errors' doesn't exactly put you in a happy mood before you start!

These colours are superb Fiona, they go together so well, gorgeous trees and sky, there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, the only problem is when you stop producing work like this!

Oooah, I wasn't expectng any comments on this one folks. I posted it for Thea, as we've been discussing the doubts we have in our abilities. An example if you like, of the high standards we set ourselves in our own work and what we consider a passable painting. This one would be heading for the bin or I would use the back of it. However, two years ago, or even a year ago, I would have been quite happy with this one. Thank you all very much for taking the time to point out some of the good features. X

Fiona, I can't see an single thing wrong with this painting!! I love bleed-backs as they are so expressive in watercolour and in fact I actively encourage them in my paintings. The sky is wonderful and as for the composition, I really like that the trees run downhill, taking your eye with them and then you have the full stop of the distant hill of the left background to life your eye again. Your pen work is just right (and I wish I could do it as well as you). You are either suffering from a terrible confidence crisis, or you are seeing a completely different painting to me (and the rest of the commenters above). And where are the muddy colours?? None on view as far as I can see. You should see my failures and then you might realise that this is actually a bloody good painting (excuse my French).

Sorry - not life your eye but lift your eye again.

I really can't see why you'd call this 'doubts'?

Looks pretty darn good to me - even the scribbling - I often use pen and ink (used incredibably loosely) on a completed work to add a bit of something and find it helps to make the work shine which is the case here.

What the others have said is true. This is really good in many ways. You should definitely have more confidence that you have a natural talent, are better than you think, and in my view are heading in the right direction. Confidence is so important in development - we all need to paint with conviction from the beginning to the end of a painting for best results, and that stems from this. It looks like you have many of the basics in place which other people would struggle with forever. I think you should work from life wherever possible, as observation is so important for convincing work, and 'good drawing' particularly for watercolour. It is plain you have ability in this area but I think it could be developed. BTW please could you email me re. tuition/book (thank you) - email address on my website.

Don't doubt your work, its lovely, enjoy it.

Beautiful work Fiona, I like the white patches in the sky, also the biro adds to it. Perfect in my opinion!

Hi Thea, see how our perceptions of our own work differ from the viewer. This one to me wouldn't even go on the maybe pile but as I said above, a couple of years ago I would be chuffed with this. I could go and look through your own gallery and choose at random several paintings that you have many reservations about, and yet to myself and others we see nothing but beautiful clean, well thought out compositional pieces that I would love to produce. I notice you mentioned that you are about to stray into the realm of pen & wash again, you will create something spectacular........but how will your introduction read? I'll be watching!!!! Lol. Thank you for your lovely telling off.

Hi Louise, 'doubts' wasn't a title as such, it was a heading I gave it so Thea would recognise the posting I refered to in a previous comment. I will be editing it to 'untitled' to save any further confusion.

Michael thank you for your kind words. I really admire your pen & wash paintings and you are right, having a bit of a scribble can lift a painting. Thank you Jem for the information, I will send an email shortly. Karyl, many thanks for your lovely comment.

Thank you very much Carole, your comments are always appreciated. I intend to Gudrun, thanks. I'll keep the folder title for the rest of this year, but I promise yourself and Stephen that next years folder will have a positive heading! How about Hits & Misses. Lol. Thanks x

Confidence all you need (don't we all). This is wonderful and I don't think there's anything wrong with using pens. Nearly every watercolour I've ever done seems to have Indian ink on it. The thing with painting is that there are no right and wrongs just whatever works. BE BOLD.

I recognised your painting straight away on the page, had a good look and then read your message. I tried to find the multiple errors and horrors there but couldn't find any. Don't be so hard on yourself Fiona, this is a lovely painting with a lot of feeling, freedom and beauty.

Most of your paintings are soothing to eyes.

Hi Fiona, well - my pen and wash is going so well that the first one is in the bin. However, I am going to try it again as I think I have worked out what went wrong. Whether I can correct it in another attempt is a different matter. I think what lets me down with pen and wash is my drawing. I tend to draw too precisely and I think it would be better to have a messier drawing with more character. This is my OCD tidiness getting in the way again!

Dawn, Satu.....how could I fail to do better with such encouragement. Thank you both very much.

Gourav, you are very kind thank you.

I'm rubbish at drawing Thea, that's why I like doing pen & wash pictures. Using the pen in a loose and flamboyant manner hides a multitude of sins. Go on, go for it!! Don't forget, being loose in our artwork is rebelling against that OCD

Just so beautiful, Fiona, I don't know where to start! I love this painting - yet again, this is one of your best.

Lionel, you say the kindest things....you're spoiling me! Thank you Lionel for your continued praise and support. How's it going with you, are you still struggling for inspiration, how about trying a snow scene. X

This is quite lovely, Fiona. Not sure where you went wrong. I love the textures and the layers. Super work, if you ask me!

Hang on Studio Wall

Here you are Thea, an example of it all going wrong. Bleedbacks, muddy colours, composition.....I could go on, the list is endless. I even tried to redeem it by scribbling over it with a biro to try and disguise the mess. I quite like the sky though lol! Old Holland watercolours on Arches and black biro.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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