The Sunset (tamed - a bit)

The Sunset (tamed - a bit)

I rather like this. It looks to me to be snow scene. It's got movement which is more than can be said of mine! Very subtle. Good stuff. Nothing wrong with your imagination.

Well done Fiona!! It's much better than the previous one, the clouds are not too dark and there is a lot of lovely movement in the sky.

Very nice, restrained watercolour Fiona, especially as it is imaginary.

A smashing sky Fiona. I think you have painted the distant hills perfectly, with just the right tone and highlights. Well done.

I really must have a go at one of these but not sure if I've got the courage - if I do I hope it turns out half as good as this.

Gorgeous light on the lower half of the painting, Fiona, well done, and I agree with Chris, I like the tones you've used for the distant areas and altogether it's a painting full of light.

Many thanks Gudrun...I think I've had my fussy out with sunset's now. Satu, thank you, I prefer this's not in your face so much. Thank you Stephen appreciate your comment.

Many thanks Chris, Michael, Caroline for your comments. Michael go on, be a devil!

This is really very good, Fiona. I love the way that the sky itself has perspective and, moreover, adds to the perspective on the ground giving a very realistic overall effect. I also think that this is better than the dark cloud picture in that the pinkiness, (is that a real word??), of the sky touches on the clouds. In the earlier pic., the cloud seemed somehow divorced from the colours of the sky behind it. Does any of this make sense to anyone apart from me!! Overall, a very competent piece of work.

Beautiful sunset Fiona lovely subtle colours, you have a winner!

Lionel it does make sense, that's where the last one went wrong. The big dark cloud was so far removed from a pleasing painting, even though that's the way it looked in the photo. A perfect example of when to use artistic licence I suppose. Jean gave me the tip about using a colour in the clouds that would complement the sky colours. Thank you for your constructive assessment, you are always so very helpful. I hope you are feeling well Lionel and have managed to do some painting. My best wishes to you.X

Thank you very much Glennis, your comments are always appreciated.

Thanks Fiona. Glad you thought the remarks helpful. Haven't done any painting for ages, but intend to start again. In fact, I dressed for the part today but got diverted. By the way, this painting look smashing on my brand new 37 inch Smart TV, (which has internet access).

... yes, Fiona, you have hit the nail on the head. For these types of paintings we have to use artistic licence to make it work. I'm still figuring out how! I am going to have another go at mine and adjust the image to make it work better, I hope. If not I shall post something entirely different.

Yes, Lionel has said what I was going to say, that the clouds and ground have given it perspective, so the distant hills & village really recede. Very nice !

Fiona I seem to have missed your previous sunset and Alfriston church. This is a magnificent sky and as a sky mad person I really appreciate it. I have over 600 Sky photos I have taken over the years on my computer but have not yet dared to paint a sunrise or sunset. As previous people have said it has lovely movement and is miles more realistic than your first one. I also like the Alfriston church painitng with such rich colours.

Lucky you Lionel! I bet your paintings look great on your tv screen, it would show up the rich colours and textures you use. I bet this was the diversion wasn't it ??!!lol. Gudrun I think there comes a time when you are struggling wth an image that you just have to do a bit of tweeking to make it work, hope you're having better luck this time! Thanks Jenny, I think apart from the sky being awful, there wasn't any recession at all. On the photo the foreground and background was so much in shadow it was difficult to make out either, that's why I made something up instead.

Hi Carol....600 photo's???!!! They should keep you busy for a while! How's the painting course going, I hoe you are enjoying more. Thank you for your lovely comment Carol, really appreciate you having a look.

Now this has real atmosphere and I have seen skies very like this. Very clever to keep the colour all in the sky and leave the land section played down with muted greys. I think it really works.

Thank you Thea, much appreciated.

Well this one really works Fiona. Lovely glowing colours in the sky. I think you've cracked sunsets LOL.

Hi Val, thanks very much! I don't know about cracking sunsets? I think I was lucky.

The imagination paid off and put this lovely painting in the Top Ten! Well done.

Many thanks again Thea!!

congratulations on this painting being in the Top Ten of November :-)

Thank you very much Rebecca.

Hang on Studio Wall

For Gudrun. Second attempt, I ditched the photo and made it up instead, I didn't realise I had an imagination!! Lol! I may have to blow the dust off it again sometime...but not this year, I don't want to over do it. It's painted on the back of the last one, so it must be Arches paper and Old Holland watercolours. Thank you for the tip about the cloud colour Jean. Thanks for looking.

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Fiona Phipps

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