High tide, sanderlings and shells


Looks great Emma, how did you get sanderlings to stand still!!

Definitely worked and I like the way the birds pop out of the painting

Looks great.

It works for me Emma, a lovely combination of nature.

It's lovely Emma, it definitely worked!

That’s really good Emma, they sanderlings stand out in a striking way, very clever!

Knew it was yours right away Emma! I love it and think it has worked out really well.

Lovely painting very nice

Love these two love birds cantering along the super foreground, which has such interesting textures and brush marks Emma. This painting has a lot of liveliness and appeal.

Thank you all - that got a better response than I expected!

Very appealing work Emma.

Thanks Stephen.

Hang on Studio Wall

This started as a very precise ink drawing that I got bored with and ended up throwing a lot of ink and acrylic over to try and bring it too life. Not sure if it worked - here it is anyway! Mixed media on HP paper, 10x7".

About the Artist
Emma Price

I'm from County Durham, on the northeast coast of England. I sketch and paint for my own enjoyment and relaxation; in particular, looking at the plants, wildlife and landscapes in our local area and attempting to paint them. My art is based on my own observations, using only my own photos and…

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