Dirty little train


Nice coal mine scenery!

Brilliantly atmospheric Dixie .

Lots of great detail again Paul 😃👍

Thank you all for your kind comments they are appreciated very much.

Full of interesting bits and pieces Paul, you could look at this for ages and still spot something new.

My goodness, Dixie. This is a scene from my childhood! Terrific. We used to love standing on the bridge when the train came and blew the steam all over us! The smell was great too.

Thank you Fiona and Jennifer. I love the smell of steam engines, and it always brings back great memories.

I love their smell too Paul. This little train has great character, love your painting.

Thank you Carole I agree about having character, it’s surprising how they can look so different even when the same colours etc.

Full of interest and detail - nice work

Thank you Ceri for you kind comment.

This is so atmospheric, Paul. I love the colourful jauntiness of the train against the rather gloomy industrial background. The engine feels like a faithful hound who will battle on and serve its owner through thick and thin. It's a very encouraging image. Great that you didn't let your injury deter you - your positive attitude is inspiring!

Thank you Dee for your very kind comments. When your down at the bottom the only was is up.

A painting that really made me smile Paul. Lots to see and very well drawn

Hang on Studio Wall

A3 watercolour another of my industrial scenes, like the sky lines etc showing the old buildings and the smell industrial railways. Slowly becoming a thing of the past, as we loose more of our engineering heritage.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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