July Challenge


Look like a lively quartet (just like the originals)

Very effective, Paul!!

Good one, Paul.

Very good Paul.

Heather, David, Jenny and Denise thank you for your kind comments.

A lovely composition Paul nicely done.

That's a good one Paul.

These beetles have a real liveliness about them!

Very good, the more you look, the more you see, just spotted the initial on each beetle as I was going to comment,

Thank you Val , David and Denise for your comments. Last minute decision to add the initials Denise.

Great collection of beetles and I like how you have succeeded in making them look so animated Paul.

Thank you Carole for taking the time to look and comment it’s appreciated.

Great work Paul. They are lively

Thank you Faye for your kind comment.

Very nicely done Paul.

beautifully painted Dixie (and I always loved Norwegian Wood!).

Thank you Rikke and Mark for your kind comments. Norwegian wood is one of my favourite as well Mark.

Some great illustrations of stag beetles and I like your link to the other Beatles! Really effective Paul.

Thank you Spencer I appreciate your comment.

I love this. It is really original and I enjoy looking at it.

Thank you Jacqueline for you kind comment it really appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 watercolour of stag beetles on wood. Done for the July challenge Beatles theme, my take of the original beetles on Norwegian wood.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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More by Paul (Dixie) Dean