Tramping past The Rock


I used up the paint left over from a previous painting and spent about thirty minutes max as I wanted it quite loose and done quickly.

Interesting background info Dixie and a very good steamer.

Super painting in 30 mins Paul. Interesting history.

Sometimes it’s the ones that we spend less time on that surprise us. A lovely painting.

Good tramping!

Nicely done indeed especially for thirty minutes work.

Thank you all for your very kind comments.

Great boat and rock Paul. Interesting facts too.

Very interesting painting - such good work in 30 mins!

Ah, good old Gib. Yes, the Levante could be a nuisance….. Really like the way you have painted the rock especially Paul, and your steamer looks as though it is chugging along.

Love it. The rusty ship against the almost luminous background…wow!

A delicate composition, Dixie. I also like the backstory to your painting.

Thank you all for your kind comments I appreciate them . I did think it would bring back memories for you Fiona , it certainly got a bit damp and hot upper rock .

Really good work here Paul… such great colours and minimal detail, but just enough!

Thank you Alan , I appreciate your taking time to comment. I enjoyed doing this as it was a very relaxing experience as there was no feeling of pressure to get it right.

Good one Paul, and an interesting background to the picture.

Lovely Watercolour Paul.

So well done in 30 minutes Paul! And interesting information you have included

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 watercolour of a tramp steamer plying it’s trade up the Mediterranean and passing Gibraltar. I have obscured the top of the rock to represent a Levant , this happens when an east wind hits the hot rock and causes a steam cloud the flows over the rock . In the town it’s like a sauna and quite unbearable at times . An imaginary scene thst would have been very common in the early part of the last century. Called tramp ships as they did not have a home port just moved with the work .

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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