Tramping past The Rock

A4 watercolour of a tramp steamer plying it’s trade up the Mediterranean and passing Gibraltar. I have obscured the top of the rock to represent a Levant , this happens when an east wind hits the hot rock and causes a steam cloud the flows over the rock . In the town it’s like a sauna and quite unbearable at times . An imaginary scene thst would have been very common in the early part of the last century. Called tramp ships as they did not have a home port just moved with the work .
About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean
I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…
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