
Looks just the ticket mate, a real lovable character Sorry for your loss, I've had our fella 11 years and can't imagine him not being here. I'm sure that little scamp will keep you on you toes...(-:

I thought I sensed a slight rise in your spirit Dennis isn't he just gorgeous just what the Doctor ordered now I feel happy too

Thanks Jim very much , hes a Yorkshire terrier. well jim you've had yours a good while so you know they are like family and its very hard when they go .

Thanks Dennis your a lovely guy and I thank you for your kind remarks

I thought something sad had happened Dennis. It's one of the worst times. But Arthur is a connection to Charlie, he looks a gorgeous little chap. Charlie is forever there with you. Xxx

Thanks Marjorie your words mean a lot to me thank you so much for your kindness

I am sure he will do the trick Dennis, he looks like a lovely little chap

He's beautiful Dennis and I am sure he will bring you a lot of comfort. We also lost our lovely old fella, Lewis in March and the memories are bitter-sweet. Enjoy and love him lots.

A stunning little chap. Lost my companion Dudley a rescue springer spaniel about three years ago after fourteen happy years of his life shared. I miss him every single day and it was one of the worst experiences of my life having him put to sleep. Shortly afterwards we found pickle a five year old cavalier King Charles spaniel at the dogs trust and he is with me now as I write. I'm sure Arthur will bring you new joy whilst still being able to recall the great times you had with your other friend. Sorry for your loss Dennis I know how upsetting it can be however you have much jot to look forward to. All the best Paul

He looks a gorgeous little chap Dennis, I'm sorry for your loss, must be a very sad time for you. I look forward to seeing little Arthur featuring in your walks!

Thankyou David your words are most appreciated

thankyou Adele so much , well you know how I feel Adele and I very very much appreciate your words

Paul that's a very nice comment for which im very grateful and in a strange way it helps to hear from you lovely people I don't feel so alone with it now

What a little cutie! So sorry to hear about Charlie and I'm sure Arthur will eventually help fill the gap for you.

Yes Lisa it was a real blow for my wife and I we loved him dearly , but I thank you sincerely for your lovely comment

Thankyou Christine yes im sure he will thank you agin Christine

I am sure you will get a lot of love from this cute little chap. he looks as if you could have your hands full. I am certain you will all be very happy together

There he is, the little darling Arthur. He looks so cute and lovely with his trusting eyes. You are going to have a wonderful time with him Dennis. He's a lucky boy.

Thanks very much Tao for lovely comments

Thanks Satu very much isn't he a Darling

He's going to keep you very busy...he's utterly beautiful. Losing a dog is like losing something very precious. My little J R is now 14 and looking a little the worse for wear. Hopefully another couple of years , she is loved to bits.

Hi Sylvia and thankyou very much.i hope J R goes on for years more and in good health take care and thankyou very much

He looks like he knows he's yours already. As Lisa has said, we'll look forward to perhaps some growing up paintings! He's lovely.

Dennis so sorry about Charlie your friend, I know he was very ill. He must have given you many wonderful years. Your new friend in the family looks a beauty, I look forward to more photos of Arthur when you get him home 😘

Thanks Gudrun most appreciated comments

Thankyou Carole for nice words I'll put him on site as he grows

So sorry to hear you lost Charlie, Dennis. Arthur looks absolutely gorgeous. Losing a much-loved dog leaves a house so empty and soulless - we've always found it best to get another one fairly soon - glad you've found Arthur.

Thankyou Jenny very much and I think your absolutely right

Aw....sad but so lovely to read all those kind words & cannot resist adding my own thoughts Dennis. Lost my golden retriever a few years ago & am very tempted to get a small dog but unfortunately my own health problems means is not a good idea. envious...enjoy Arthur...look forward to seeing your happy times )

Thankyou very much Sylvia, I hope your health improves and I will enjoy Arthur

What a gorgeous pup Dennis! He will keep you busy without a doubt. So sorry to hear about your old dog, they are family aren't they. I have an old dog (springer spaniel) we think he's about 15 but as he was a rescue we don't really know but just before Christmas we acquired - I say that because we didn't intend to get a new pup yet but we now have a cocker spaniel. You forget how busy a pup can be and he's very naughty but so loveable. I'm sure Arthur will have you running around after him.

Dennis he is a charming wee chap and I am sure you and he will have many happy times to come. It's just the worst thing when we have to say goodbye to our 4 legged friends, my thoughts are with you.

Dennis, I only just saw this. I'm so sorry to read about Charlie. I hope this beautiful little boy will make you smile and though you'll feel sad , you've got happy memories of your friend Charlie.

Dennis, I'm so sorry to read that you've lost your little pal Charlie. I hope that this little fella will ease your pain and bring you as much joy and love as Charlie did. I'm sure that when you take Arthur to your beloved Sandwell you will catch a glimpse of Charlie's spirit, even if you don't see him, you'll know he is there with you. Thank you very much for your little message, it's very thoughtful of you. I'm in good health and spirits but I've been busy of late and haven't done very much painting at all. I'll be back hopefully...... I need to get some inspiration as well as motivation! Little Nella (the yellow hammer) has flown the nest at last! Hope she makes it! I wonder what orphan I'll get this Take care of yourself Dennis and keep us up to date with your new little pal Arthur, you're going to be great friends!

Hang on Studio Wall

This is Arthur im getting him in june , i lost my wonderful little mate C harlie last tuesday and im hoping Arthur will help me get over it

About the Artist
dennis roberts

I was born in 1948 . It was a great time to get born as everything was on the up . I have had an unusual and exciting life and done everything I shouldn't , however life is the greatest teacher of all and I have learnt some valuable lessons . I now enjoy painting and guitar playing . I go out with…

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