Don't look now


Great likenesses. They do say we get the politicians we deserve.

Good likenesses and a provocative painting

Great painting, thought provoking

Lovely work, Boris looks quite stunned! No wonder with the current situation.

Thanks Stephen. This was painted during our first hard lockdown at a time when Europe and the States were still experiencing significant numbers of infections and deaths. Needless to say, as a country, we were extremely grateful that our government had taken this stance. My aim was to capture this and the very first idea for the composition was based on an opera singer singing from her balcony and it was this that conveyed the idea to me of capturing that expression of hope on Jacinda's face and the shock and frustration at other levels with the enigmatic expression of the Chinese government portrayed by Zi. I included the Great Wall of China as I also wanted to incorporate the idea of markets and countries that are open to all that weren't in previous decades/centuries, and that, like the Covid comet in the background, we are open to everything and that more thought and responsibility is required on our part for future generations. Hope that doesn't sound too much like a rant but I guess it sums up my thoughts on many things, ie inclusiveness comes at a cost and collective responsibility is paramount.

Hang on Studio Wall

Response to first Covid lockdown in NZ

About the Artist
Judith Eyton

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