Rye Harbour 2 - Impression.

Rye Harbour 2 - Impression.

I can see how taking the struts ( not exactly the technical term) away would open up the painting....mmm....it's the true view of course, but maybe not what you're after. However, I'm actually looking over them to the far shore so they don't grate.

Clever! I think the struts of the fence mirror the masts and chimneys, taking the viewer up vertically through them to the horizon (if you know what I mean).

Posted by T H on Fri 16 Mar 09:19:18

Wonderful as always Alan a lovely light and twinkle on the water. Looking at this, maybe a shorter landing pier ( not going so far into the water, keep about a third) then you could put in your boat if needed.

A boat would be nice Alan.. it’s your bits of red I like, how to make a painting zing.

Love the little splashes of red!

I think you are right Alan, but I think I would just take part of the pier out, to me it adds interest, but I'm no expert.

Like that a lot Alan. Nice work.

Good job.

Love this...i agree with Timothy, and all harbours need that gorgeous touch of red....and a boat...hmmm. I'm dying to see it when you've finished but absolutely great as it is!!

Lovely work again. I would just take out a bit of the lower pier. Maybe a boat would be nice there but maybe not necessary. Love your little splashes of red.

It’s the spicy splashes of red that do it Alan, wonderful. Have to agree with you ref the pier, not keen.

I can understand where you’re coming from, Alan but I like it. It could almost be a realistic abstract as it mirrors the masts of the boats.

Well you have all been so helpful, thank you. I will have a thing about what to do with that rickety old structure. In the meantime I have already moved on with my next scene which also has a small pier, not so prominent mind you.

Whatever you decide to do with it, the light is wonderful!

Has a super sense of the light on the landscape Alan.

Before I read your text Alan, I thought that the fence is obstructing the view. It feels like I’m not allowed to see what is on the other side. Otherwise it’s an absolute beauty, calm and restful.

Lovely light Alan, not sure about the pier though, love the red it draws the viewer in toward the distant buildings and shore line

Lovely painting Alan. Lots to look at, makes the eye wander. I'll be Interested to see how it changes if you take the pier out. Will watch out for it.

I really love this, and agree with some of the other comments about keeping part of the pier. Great touches of red, lovely light throughout. And the wide format is just so good for these impressions.

Another beauty Alan , lovely atmosphere

Hang on Studio Wall

12 x 20in oil on board. More impressions from around Rye Harbour. This one needs a bit more work, I may take out the old wooden remains of that landing pier, I don't like it. I could put a boat in its place. Based loosely on a photo courtesy Shutterstock.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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