Corfe Castle

Corfe Castle

Yes Alan work of distinction with the lovely quality of line you achieve

Very striking image Alan, has an old fashioned look to it (in a good way that is). Very brave going straight in with the rigger, I do that with a pen, with some trepidation. nice restrained palette, which works well with the ink work. I think Edward Wesson used to restrict his colour range when doing his line and wash work.

What an absolutely staggering scene this must have been before Cromwell's cannon bombarded the castle. It still is, even if the castle is now a huge broken tooth. Powerful drawing/painting - I think it really is a painting, but you've drawn with the brush, and generally that is - I think - better than a careful plotting with pencil, set-square and ruler; helps, though, if you have a steady hand - mine would wobble all over the shop...

Love the sepia tones in this Alan and the drawing is excellent, you have to be brave to draw with a rigger brush!

Thank you all for those encouraging comments. I've used a rigger to draw with for maybe 25 years or so, it gives a variation of line widths if used right and helps me get that rapid, expressive drawing style which I've always loved. I can see a few places where a set square could have been used Robert, a touch wonky here and there... Let's call it character, shall we!!

And it's that character that makes your work so appealing Alan. Personally I much prefer a painting with soul and life in it's lines and marks, rather than for example, a painting that is painstakingly plotted out to within an inch of it's life.

You got the spontaneous look alright here Alan , I love that quick fresh look myself very much and I like this painting.

Great use of the technique - skillful use of colour and composition,

And it's brimming with spontaneity and light! It certainly showcases your excellent draughtsmanship. Brilliant work, Alan. That limited palette is highly effective.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 11 x 15'' Fabriano 300lb HP. Another from this series of castles that I painted a few month's ago. Usual format, no drawing, straight in with a rigger brush. Keeps the spontanous look which is what I'm after.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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