Valetta Side Street

Valetta Side Street

excellent Alan love the way you have captured the light and the impressionistic way you have you have painted the scene well done David Harrison.

Sunlight and warmth come across immediately. Then, Alan, the very good composition, with the figures leading the eye away up the street. The paint strokes and suggestion of detail, just right - it's one of your best I think.

Another lovely work Alan, a little different in style to your lively local work but equally good. It has an old fashioned feel to it, the strength of those old stone buildings is conveyed very well. The brightly clothed people bring life to the scene, very well done.

Lovely use of light and colour Alan

Thanks to you all for you welcome comments, appreciated greatly. Michael, yes, I'm not totally sure, I think that I may change the colour of the sky, that could be the problem, I had spotted this myself but thought it may just be me, thanks for that anyway... Anyone else with any thought's on this would be welcome.

Top notch Alan sits with the greats. Love it

Nice impressionist painting and a good composition.

Interesting scene with your bright little figures Alan.

Missed this first time round - what a superb painting with all the warmth of Valetta

Lovely Maltese atmosphere and beautiful painted.

Superb Alan!

Another Maltese delight Alan. street scene terrific, but I love the sky, capturing my eye.

I love how you've captured warm light in this work. Its hard not to feel the heat of the sun when viewing it.

A lovely impressionistic painting, Alan, with a beautiful golden, mediterranean light!

I know I've already said how fabulous this is Alan....but it is! I think it's certainly your best Malta scene, in my opinion....I know you will disagree with

Thank you all again, It wasn't the best one in my opinion but I am starting to like it that bit more now, thanks all.

Terrific colours Alan.

I love this Alan , the colours are glorious

There's a strong tendency, to which we all fall victim at times, to paint the colour of the sky at its zenith at the level of the horizon; the smaller the area of sky showing, the greater the temptation/inclination. Skies do vary in intensity from the northern light with which we're familiar to that of those nearer the equator. I've not been to Valetta so can't comment on the relevance of that thought any further! But if this painting does have a fault - and you'll know better than I will - that might be it. Apart from that, of course, it's beautifully done and observed, the figures just the right size where so often we exaggerate them to the extent they couldn't get through their own doorways. I pass over the rabbit I painted in a landscape which, on reflection, would have been the size of a kangaroo in relation to everything else....

Hang on Studio Wall

16 x 20in, oil on board, painted a couple of weeks ago from small watercolours and sketches made at the scene.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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