Hornbeam Tree and Pit-Hole.

Hornbeam Tree and Pit-Hole.

What a great tree for painting lovely work Alan

What a lovely subject to have nearby to paint. Great composition and very good assortments of greens.....one of my pet hates. If I hadn't seen your name I wouldn't have known this was one of yours Alan, it's very different to your recent work on POL.

I can see that you captured the ducks paddling like the clappers, a change of palette for you too I think Alan!

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on Fabriano Tela canvas block. 11 x 14''. A simple composition with the main feature being the Hornbeam tree in the foreground. This is just a field away from my house and I painted in on the spot, sitting in the shade I might add. It was a scorching summer's day and too hot to sit out in it. Just above this shot is Sandon Church, my first posting on this site. Probably won't get me into the RA but i've been so busy today and it's all I've got on offer.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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