Nathan Jelbert


I thought it about time that I updated my biography. Things have changed from the last time I wrote a profile in that I no longer pour over books about old masters and I don't spend too much time learning techniques like I used to on Youtube or somewhere. Not because I think I've learnt enough (I often think I'll never learn enough) or that I'm technically proficient enough (again I'll never think that). It's just after years of trying, I became disillusioned with attempting to be 'accepted' in the art world. Entering endless paid competitions with nothing other thanks, but no thanks, displaying work in galleries that had little or no attention, even building a decent social media following became a thankless chore. I have to say, I came within a hair's breadth of hanging up my pencils and brushes for good because of how it framed my perception of creating art. Now I feel like I've turned the corner and now I create just for me, whatever random idea in whatever genre comes into my head and honestly it's liberating. I don't have to think whether or not the next piece will be accepted or win or get the amount of 'Likes' I think it deserves. It's been a journey, let me tell you, but now I'm more than happy just to do for me and appreciate all the other artists that create so many wonderful works.