Anxious Wet Faces

Anxious Wet Faces

You can see a bit more, when viewing in the bigger format...

They look as though they aren't too pleased with you Ping. : ) great painting.

Hmmm, I remember this bunch, Ping! And they look just as cross when they're dry! This is an excellent depiction of your cows, Ping. Their expressions are perfect, and the atmosphere is very earthy. It's a lovely painting with a healthy dose of humor. Many thanks too for your comment on my painting.

No, they don't look too happy....! A superb painting with the texture and colours of their coats. I love the "story" putting them in context. Thanks for posting.

You've got the texture of their hair beautifully and I like their attitude! I agree that this painting is best viewed at the large format, there is a lot of detail to be enjoyed.

Yes I agree with you and Lesley the larger image just shows how much detail you put in.I think you have done a great job of making them look very wet.It does look as if they were wondering when the food was coming especially the little one..

Posted by Joy Lee on Sun 10 Apr 14:25:26

Well - very fed up cows for sure. You have got their expressions at how they feel off to a T. Couldn't believe at first that this was watercolour as you have managed to get such texture into the coats. Also agree with Kirstie - I couldn't paint a cow, let along a herd, so you have done a magnificent job in producing this painting and making it look so convincing. Well done indeed.

You have such control over watercolour, those coats are superb and you've caught their grumpy expressions perfectly.

Thought this had to be an oil from the thumbnail image, you've really captured the texture, the feel (and smell!) of wet, disgruntled, just plain fed up cows. Well done.

Thanks, Robert and Thea. I agree with you that this painting has the feel of an oil painting. I think this may be because I used a heavy (300 lbs.) paper. In the past, I have used lighter papers. If I apply too much pigment to those lighter papers, however, they do not really take the paint, and it leaves the painting with a shiny, reson-like coating floating on the top of the paper. I think the heavier paper, with its wonderful texture, soaks up the watercolour pigment much better.

Kirstie and Thea, it sounds silly that, with very little experience painting cows, I paint a herd instead of a single cow. The reason I did this is that I like to try new subjects. Each time I do this is a new experience, and I have to mount a new set of training wheels to ride about. Crazy to run so many miles on a new set of training wheels.

Thanks to William, Seok Yam, Avril, Lesley, Joy and Val for all your lovely comments. I have e-mailed this painting to some of our relatives, and several of them noted the "wet and angry" aspect of the cows' expressions. They are not really angry (if they are, they start pawing the ground and roll back their eyes, in which case you had best make yourself scarce quickly). They are just fed up with the rain and feeling underfed with the grain.

Look all their expression ! You did it all. Good job. Yu Lee Shieu

This is fabulous! How you've managed to paint them looking wet is amazing!

I agree with ALL the above comments!! This is wonderful, amazing!

I love your painting the cows are fab i particularly like your colour palatte

Lovely painting Ping. Wonderful texture and expression.

I do like these, they look so disgruntled - just how I would feel if I was wet and cold!

Congratulations Ping on getting two in the top ten , you really deserve the accolades, Its the first time I have looked in for a while as I have been unwell but I'm glad I at least looked at the top ten galleries ,all wonderfull paintings.

Well done, Ping, for getting into the Top Ten with two lovely paintings. You really deserve the recognition and I am glad to see that so many obviously enjoy your work. P.S. I am off on my hols for a week, with no internet connection, so if you post anything I am not ignoring you. I will have to catch up when I get home.

Thanks, Yu Lee, Stephen, Mia, May, Steve, and Wendy for your lovely comments. I truly appreciate them.

William, Thank you so much for your congrats. I would like to send you a personal message. If you do get back to tjis site, please let me know how can Isend you a PM. Please get well soon.

Thea, thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday. I will talk to you when you come back.

Congratulation on your top tens, well deserved, I love these grumpy faces :)

Thank you , Kirstie.. Happy painting.

Thank you, Lesley. I always learn from your work..

Hi Ping, many thanks for your kind words just received! Can I return my congrats to you as well. Two in the top ten, and the anxious wet faces painting gaining the top place. I'm not surprised though. These two paintings are unforgettable. Isn't it a good feeling to be in "the charts"?! Even though I only scraped in at no 10, I'm delighted. Bet you're pleased but you deserve the honour ! Your work is lovely.

Congratulation on your top tens, you deserve it. II agree with everyone, it is a great painting

Wow! This really demonstrates your versatility, I think it is really stunning! I remember seeing a large barn full of calves on a relative's farm - lovely faces and wet noses! Yours look a bit grumpy, but maybe they are waiting for their feed. Whatever, it is really great, well done!

Nice work, you must be very happy with this painting

brilliant i feel like they are looking straight at me

im sorry i would love to look at more of your paintings but i find this so hard to work.

they dont look to happy.............wonderful painting

Superb grumpiness! You depict texture and atmosphere so very well

Excellent capturing in these cows faces of what it is to be thoroughly absolutely miserably soaking wet, great work Yu Ping!

Hang on Studio Wall

This spring we have had so much cold rain and snow. We have all been chained to the fireplace sipping cocoa. We have been worried about the animals in the field, but were told that they are happy as long as their stomachs are full. So guess what we saw when we took feed out to them: very anxious wet faces. For me, it has been a messy challenge to paint five very wet cows. Next time I will paint some dry horses.

About the Artist
Yu Ping Eddy

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