Eucalyptus Tease

Eucalyptus Tease

Ping, there is no other word to describe this painting other than it is just SUPERB! I love the clarity of the colors, the subtle shifts in tone and your use of negative and positive spaces. It's a very complete and finished painting.

I can only agree with Seok's eloquent comment and just add Beautiful !.

A Masterful Painting!

Incredibly lovely and restrained. Eucalyptus trees also keep mosquitoes away - another reason to love them!

Very lovely. You must be pleased with this one!!

Sometimes we miss the beauty that is right in front of us in this hectic world. This is simply beautiful, so delicate and beautifully painted what else is growing? More please.

Ping this is right up my street, I loved this at first sight. Cleverly painted. Did you use masking fluid first for the flowers?

Marvellous work!

This is lovely, I love eucalyptus anyhow, the leaves are so elegant. But you have added another dimension again. they are beautifully painted. thank you so much for posting this.

Exquisite!! A real master piece.

Super composition and execution, great rhythm

What can I add to all those wonderful comments: I think this is just perfect. A real masterpiece, Ping. So delicate and subtle, stunning. I could look at it the whole day and still discover new things in it! Amazing!

Have never seen eucalyptus in flower - this is brilliantly done, how you did those flowers I dont know but the whole piece is lovely and subtle but with impact also

I agree with the above comments it is beautiful, so well done, Ilove it

What can I say that hasn't already been said! An absolutely exquisite piece of art expertly painted. Wonderful.

I cannot say more than what has already been said but wanted to give my support and admiration. So beautiful Ping!

Thank you , Carole and Norah. I did not use masking fluid for the flowers. Painting the flowers did represent a challenge. They have many, many little tubes. I have a few twigs of the Eucalyptus tree with flowers on them in my kitchen and used them to do my study of the stucture of the flowers. I painted them free hand and added the leaves afterwards...

Kim, thank you so much for your comment. I do recognize that the oil in the tree repels insects. I believe it is also used for holistic rubs that alleviate muscle pain and cold symptoms. It is an amazing tree.

Thank you, Brenda. I totally agree. One of the joys of painting is that it gives us greater appreciation for the beauty everywhere around us.

Seok Yam, thank you so much. I am moved by your comments and appreciate that nothing escapes your clever artistic eye.

Sylvia, thank you for your encouraging comments. This is a unique plant with a lot of character.

Brian, thank you for your comment and, in particular, for recognizing the melody that I tried to inject in this work.

Thank you for posting this in Forum, otherwise I would probably have missed it, and that would have been my loss...It is magical...very very beautiful, a joy to see!

Thank you for posting this on Forum, otherwise I would have missed it. It is very very beautiful and a joy to see! Lovely watercolour!

Thank you so, so much, William, James, Louise, Lesley, Avril, Jim, Mia, Petra, Val, and Satu. I am flattered by your kind comments, especially coming from such an accomplished group of painters.

You are so patient to have painted in these flowers without masking. So well done. Brilliant work.

Thanks, Ruth and Carole. I am a bit overwhelmed...

Exceptional work.Such attention to detail. Wonderful.

Ping, Finally, I got myself back to this painting online commentary area. I love your art work . It is so fresh and beautiful ! And, I also want to thank you for reminding us to pay more attention and find , search all the good ,beautiful nature surrounding us. Thank you. Yu Lee

Another stunner! Well done!

Outstanding work. How on earth did you do those delicate white fronds of the flowers?? Love the colours of the leaves and the delicate flowers - the composition is a wonderful design.

This is beautiful - so delicate.

Lovely work. Subtle and expressive. Beautifully done.

Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am still riding with the trainding wheel and learning a bit more, each time, with a new experiment.

Kirstie, thank you so much for your encouragement. I am still riding with the training wheel and learning a bit more, each time, with a new experiment.

Thank you, Tony, Yu Lee, Jo, Janis and Catherine. I truly appreciate your kind comments.

Thea, I am grateful that you are always so helpful to me. I painted the flower using an old fasion way with a small brush. The flower has numerous tiny pollen tubes. I wish I could figure out a better way. Thanks for your kind comments.

WOW! This is brilliant, attention to detail,impressive......

What can I say I agree with everything above.It's fantastic.

Posted by Joy Lee on Sun 13 Mar 18:54:16

Absolutely wonderful. You must have great patience to paint such detail. I can't wait to see what you post next.

Here I am Yu Ping, you certainly are are 'master' of watercolour, this is beautiful

Just exquisite, work of the very highest quality. It would look good in so many design forms from a high quality wall covering to upholstery and other fabrics - in addition to the original of course! Hope you can exploit it to the full.

Thank you, Vivien, Dave, Joy, Sarah and Dee. I really really appreciate your wonderful comments, and hope that I can do better in the future..

ArtKatSurrey, Thank you so much for your kind comments and the suggestions .

Well done you for having your painting in the Top Ten for March. And I have just noticed that this painting got 47 comments (actually 48 now with this one). That must be an all time record and well derserved too.

A record breaker I think and one that really deserves the accolade, well done Ping.

Congratulations Ping, again you reach the top ten of the month. You certainly deserve it!!! Well done.

50 comments ! How are you coping with your celeb status? ! :)

Superb detailing and masterful use of greens in the leaves, beautiful work Best wishes Gary

Such a delicate and natural elemental feel that captured my eye and senses. So gentle yet very emotive. Your attention to detail in the botanics of the plant are impressive! Thank you.

I missed this one glad I saw it on the top ten it so deserves to be there ,its just one of those wow how did she do that paintings!!!!!!!:)Linda

Exquisite is the only word. I love the format, colour, delicacy. Beautiful.

Just blown away it's truly stunning! Bravo!!!! Chris

Thought that I would look at your painting again. All I can say is wow!.56 comments that must be a record, but you certainly deserve it. Thank you for leaving a comment under my painting, which I have replied to on there.:)

WOW Yu Ping, look at your amount of comments on this!, you really struck a chord with it, and of course it is an excellent study in perfect tonal watercolour work!

Hang on Studio Wall

We have quite a few of these blue leaved, brown trunked eucalyptus trees around us. I never thought that these scraggly looking trees would be a good subject for painting. This year, though, the abundant rain rejuvenated the trees, new green shoots emerged and each tree was coated with flowers.

About the Artist
Yu Ping Eddy

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