The Dingy

The Dingy

Great scene Wib and beautifully done. Is in painted on wallpaper? Looks like woodchip.

Another great digital piece of work Wib, you are so good at these and the colours are super!

Thank you, Jim, and thank you, Margaret - always appreciated!

Are you experimenting with a different style here Wib, it’s very effective. The texture adds another dimension to the subject, creating that element of fog/sea mist. One of those still sounds, just a visual slow motion effect. I remember when I lived in the Lincolnshire fens, I was stood on a small footbridge over a dyke which was covered in a blanket of mist. From out of the mist at my eye level, about three foot away from me a barn owl appeared out of a swirl of was magical. It flew by and turned its head to look at me, sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

Beautifully done Wib. I particularly like the colours and the textural background Wib.

Thank you, Fiona, for sharing your experience. I can imagine how the owl must of seemed a tad disconcerting but also magical. Here in North America owls have a special place in the spiritual world of many indigenous peoples. I don't know if you have ever read the novel "I Heard the Owl Call My Name". One of the things I enjoy about the digital painting world is the plethora of mediums you have to paint with - especially different types of papers. With this painting I was experimenting a little trying a rough textured paper with a very watery acrylic paint - pretty close to watercolours. I think my "style" remains more or less the same - but then it's kind of hard for me to really tell. You have been doing an amazing amount of work lately.

Thank you, Carole, for your comment.

Hang on Studio Wall

You may have heard me say this before that I love small boats. The inspiration for this piece was from a visit to the historic site of Louisborg, Nova Scotia a few years ago. The waterfront was covered in a sea fog creating a very other-worldly appearance and suddenly out of the mist came someone rowing a small boat – a beautiful magical moment.

About the Artist
Wib Dawson

For as long as I can remember I've had a passion for creating images through both photography and painting. In recent years, I’ve been especially drawn toward digital painting and have marveled at how closely the technology can now emulate traditional painting media. I particularly enjoy creating…

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