One heffalump or two?



Beautiful painting ❤️

Yes gorgeous is the right word. Really beautiful.

Sorry to hear of your loss Vicky. This is a beautiful painting and the detailing is excellent having painted a few heffalumps myself they are not the easiest of things to draw or paint .

Wow a beauty 😍

Beautiful painting.

This is a wonderful painting Vicky. Beautifully done!

Really beautiful! Artwork is very relaxing at a sad time sorry for your loss

Oh, it's lovely, really good Vicky

Superb work, great drawing and use of colour and textures.

Wonderful colours & tones.


A striking painting Vicky

Thank you for your kind comments. Elephants are beautiful creatures and I enjoyed painting them.

Lovely. Haven’t been on safari for ages. I painted something similar for our Sarah after our expedition to Botswana

This is beautiful Vicki, I like the salt effect . So sorry to hear about your loss.

Sorry for your loss Vicky, beautiful painting !!

Really beautiful Vicky, so well done.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour with a textured background using salt. Highlights were lifted out with a small damp flat brush and watercolour pencils helped with the small details. Haven’t done too much painting recently as I lost my husband in April but it is good to be back and doing some again…

About the Artist
Vicky Rosenthal

Although I went to art college in my teens it would be a good many years before I had the time to start painting again and of course things had changed a lot in that time. I mostly taught myself watercolour from books and demonstrations and have since gone on many courses. My first love is…

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