Textures with acrylic ink and watercolour

hogweed and rocks

Lovely, good to read about the technique too

Lovely work, Vicki - lovely textures and subtle colours - I really like this.

This is really lovely, Vicky.

Really like the effects you’ve achieved in this painting Vicky. Good to know too how you did it.

Superb work, Vicky.

Very very good Vicky.

Love this Vicky, especially the Queen Anne’s Lace.

I really love those textures the ink made. They really add atmosphere. Lovely painting

Interesting technique Vicky and a lovely result. The seed heads are wonderful.

This a is lovely Vicky, lovely effects

Very effective painting - the texture using the ink works well.

Thanks so much for the nice comments.

Beautiful painting of a simple subject.

Vicky this is painted beautifully and with a lot of skill.

Really good Vicky - great results with the ink.

Lovely watercolour and techniques Vicky, really good composition.

This really caught my eye, interesting to read your technique.

Hang on Studio Wall

Although mainly in watercolour I used black acrylic ink in with the watercolour which separated and made interesting textures.

About the Artist
Vicky Rosenthal

Although I went to art college in my teens it would be a good many years before I had the time to start painting again and of course things had changed a lot in that time. I mostly taught myself watercolour from books and demonstrations and have since gone on many courses. My first love is…

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