Sketches from my Holiday - Knights at Framlingham Castle

Sketches from my Holiday - Knights at Framlingham Castle

This is just lovely Thea. Great sketching; lovely colours.

LOL, I bet that you just fancied that Black Prince or Sir Gawain! Super pen and wash Thea.

Thank you very much Gudrun and Louise. It was a great day out and yes, Louise, you are right - Sir Gawain was rather lovely and when we got to join in with the medieval dancing, he held my hand - swoon.....!

I'd thought that they were well observed..

I like this Thea, its a great subject and well painted . I know framlingham castle well i am a bit gung ho and against my wife's advise set of to walk down the embankment that surrounds the castle ,of course i lost control and ended up unable to stop running downhill untill i hit a tree and really injured my back . Lol very nice painting Thea.

Splendid 'action' shot - love the energy you've captured!

Takes me back to when I started painting "properly" when I was just 16 - I painted figures in armour, with heraldic tabards and flags (all correct, mind you: no colour on colour, or metal on metal). The fresh colours in this one bring out the feel of the outdoors - it needs to be seen enlarged. And you dallied with Sir Gawain, eh...? I see.......

Thank you very much Dennis, Debs and Robert. Dennis - that bank is really steep! You're brave trying to walk down it. We went round the walk at the top of the castle walls and getting up there on the very worn down spiral steps was an adventure in itself! Yes, Robert, I confess to a bit of drooling over the handsome night - poor sad old lady that I am!

Lovely action packed painting, Thea.

Super picture. Those knights are really having a fight.

Thankyou Thea for sayng I'm brave though my wife thinks I'm nuts and i think she was right on that day. There is a place there next to framlingham called bruiseyard ,i don't know if you heard of it buy the name of it made my wife laugh as it fitted my stats very

Thank you very much Smita and Shirley for your kind comments. Dennis, it is rather a good story that Bruiseyard was so called after all the 'rolling down the hill' injuries - I like that!

A real fun painting painted with the necessary freedom to give it life

Great detailed watercolour.A good unique record of the day.

I love the gaggle of distressed damsels huddling by the tent. It's all very bi-partisan - tent, standards, armour, shields... and wonderfully immediate! Brava!

Such a fun picture Thea! Wouldn't it be great in a children's story book?!

Absolutely delightful, Thea! You've captured the fight pose of each knight superbly.

Hang on Studio Wall

On my holiday in Suffolk, we took the grandchildren to Framlingham Castle where they had a Medieval Battle Enactment Event on. The children got to go to Squire School, where they learned to be budding knights - all great fun. At the end, several knights came out and fought with each other. I have to say, they didn't mess around and looked like they were knocking seven bells out of each other! I just fancied capturing one of the fights between The Black Prince and Sir Gawain (Fred Bloggs and Sid Smith in real life no doubt, lol) Pen and Wash.

About the Artist
Thea Cable

I am a watercolourist first and foremost as I love the qualities of the medium, its riskiness and unpredictability. I started painting about 8 years ago and it has now become an integral part of my life. Hopefully, I will continue to paint into my dotage as I am given to understand that you can…

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