Jolly Flags at St Monans

Jolly Flags at St Monans

Sorry Thea, but I have to disagree ! I think it works beautifully, the whites translating into light. Nice washes in the areas you did paint as well, and as usual super pen work. Love the flags.

I like this one the best too! Love the bunting and the cars which are so full of character!

Very well painted and colourful too

It works, which is the important thing - I'm in a bit of an indecisive phase: it's not that I've got too much to do - life has been fairly quiet lately; but I've got sketch-books full of drawings waiting to be painted, and I can't choose which one to start with....... So even when you've got the time, it doesn't necessarily help.

Absolutely love this one Thea! The white areas are perfect and I do like the way that the road bends slightly and leads us in to the painting. The other two 'unpainted ' ones were full on frontal scenes which were good, but this composition is even better I think. It's a colourful, cheerful scene and you made the right choice by leaving the lamp post white. It would have been too dominant against the white buildings had you painted it in. Of course I also like the bunting, hanging basket and cars as I expect you do as well!!

its a very nice picture I like it

I think you've got the balance just right Thea, any more unpainted areas would have tipped the balance. The washes are used to great effect, especially the flags, the saturation of colour here gives it depth and moves the eye down the road. This one seems to have a more (dare I say) confident feel to it, comfortable even....your next one is going to be brilliant!

Thank you very much Sharon, Christine, Betty, Robert, Louise, Dennis and Fiona for such nice comments. It is always surprising, and pleasing, to get good comments on a painting that you didn't feel worked out as well as you wanted. I am really grateful to everyone for all the positive things you have seen in the painting and that I didn't seem to see. Perhaps I need to stand back a little more and not be so negative about what I do, but isn't that just typical of us artists!

For some reason it makes me smile - such simplicity to such effect.

For some reason it makes me smile - such simplicity to such effect.

Another little beauty Thea, I know what you mean about making time, the garden is taking much of mine at the moment.

Thank you very much Michael and Karyl for your lovely comments. Jolly flags waving in the sea breeze should make one smile, so I am glad it had the desired effect on your Michael!

Lovely light painting and a super wee fife village

Ahhh, the beautiful East Neuk. A great pen and wash Thea.

I love your style Thea as your paintings always are interesting which for me is the biggest part of any painting (you paintings have that return factor which for me is essential). The style of the little green car is great and made me smile. I could happily look at this painting all day and find enjoyment.

You do this so well. There is not muc more I can add to the comments!

You've got this just right Thea. I like the houses trailing off into the distance and the shadow in the foreground breaks up the plainness a large area of road.

Thank you very much Aaron,, Val, Joseph, Gudrun and Frank for your very nice comments. Joseph, I used to shy away from drawing cars, but now I feel they are a vital part of any street scene, especially in today's world and am more confident in including them. I also like to add the other trappings of life, i.e. tv aerials, street furniture, telegraph wires, etc as I find them fun to do and think they lighten the atmosphere of a town or village scene. A few people wandering about don't go amiss either. Hopefully, I won't get so carried away that my paintings end up looking cluttered!

The white houses do not jar at all! I usually find unpainted areas in paintings a bit contrived but this is just right Thea! Great fun and love the bunting :)

The one is great too. You get better and better Thea!

Hang on Studio Wall

I think the composition of this one made it hard for me to decide what to leave unpainted, so I don't think it has gone as well as the other two I have tried in this style. Still, I am just glad to have painting something as at the moment, I am struggling to find any time to settle down to do any drawing or painting. I thought retirement meant that you took it easy and had 'spare time' , but apparently not!! Pen and Wash on Fabriano Hot Pressed.

About the Artist
Thea Cable

I am a watercolourist first and foremost as I love the qualities of the medium, its riskiness and unpredictability. I started painting about 8 years ago and it has now become an integral part of my life. Hopefully, I will continue to paint into my dotage as I am given to understand that you can…

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