Winter in the Peak District 1

Winter in the Peak District 1

An excellent painting which will make a beautiful Xmas card. Love the way you have painted the snow in the foreground.

love your two paintings of snowy scenes...really lovely.

Julia and Ruth, many thanks for your kind comments, I try to keep these winter scenes as loose as possible. They are painted with a large sable brush used as freely as I am able, dry brushing of the rough paper surface gives a kind of sparkle to the snow I find. If you are interested in technicalities, I use Winsor's perylene green for making the winter tree mixes. I find the three perylene colours to be wonderful mixers and can give you some really subtle colours.

Lovely painting and a super gallery. Thanks for the tips - can't get enough of them.

lovely watercolour!!bravo pour ta galerie Terence;;;mais je dois dire que par ce temps gris, je prefere admirer des paysages plus ensoleilléd.

Merci Alain, et moi aussi ! I like to paint snow but as I am 77, I stay indoors when it is snowy.

Love the gate and the slushy look to the snow you have managed yo show in this one Terence

Hang on Studio Wall

This is a watercolour painted on Saunders rough 12" x 9" paper. The inspiration was a set of photos my friend Mary took last winter in the area where she lives near Chatsworth. It is going to be one of this years home made Xmas cards.

About the Artist
Terence McDonald

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