My signature

My signature

Hi Sunil a lovely chop...I'm interested in Chinese Brushword and have a couple of Soap Stome seals with nothing on the bottom...I would love to have my name carved on them in Mandarin...I live in Australia did you get yours done?

Hi Patsy, thanks for the email. I am sure that in most major cities you will have a China town. Go to it, and ask around for a chop shop - ask the local chinese if they know of any person making chinese chops. these are used even today - by tourists, by locals for traditional purposes - documentation etc - and others. Ensure that you get what you need by specifying exactly as these guys are traditional and often you may have communication problems. Most important, put a mark on the reverse side showing which is the top / correct side of the chop so you use it correctly ! Best of luck.

Hang on Studio Wall

i have always admired artists who can sign their names legibly and artistically on the art work. I can't do it as i don't know what is the best means for oils or acrylics and my signature turns out like an ant scrawling on wet paint ! So, i got a chop made: the left vertical side is my name. the right vertical side says "Be Happy" - as after all, anyone who creates any artwork, or displays, or even buys an artwork, should eventually be happy with it. Art is for one's soul, to be enjoyed. This chop appears on the back of each my paintings along with my scrawly handwriting! i am told its Mandarin Chinese.

About the Artist
Sunil Mehta

I paint landscapes and abstracts in acrylics, oils and water colours. My favourite style is impasto as it creates beautiful imagery and depth exploiting the richness of the paints thereby producing a pleasing tactile surface. Landscapes convey peace, tranquility and considerable warmth. I often use…

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