still life with oilcan

still life with oilcan

Really interesting and very effective!

The approach and effect works well.

Really interesting technique and lovely painting Sharon

Great idea Sharon, worked very well.

No cheating at all and well worked out.

Thanks Linda, Roger, Petra, Carole and Derek for the positive feed-back. I found it a good exercise in tone/value observation. I think I will try this approach again, but I will use non-staining pigments and more colour next time to see what effect they have.

This is really interesting Sharon, a technique that can worked on time and again. It's a super result and very effective. Have you tried this kind of thing with Quink ink then lifting out with bleach. There was someone who used this technique on POL but I can't remember her name, they were fabulous paintings...or un-paintings as you say.

Found her portfolio, Jenny Johnstone.

Thanks for the tip Fiona, I checked Jenny's portfolio out. Her paintings are fabulous as you say, not just Quink and bleach but a lot of talent as well !! I don't know how I would get on with bleach, probably end up lifting out most of the furnishings as well, I'm a bit messy that way. Worth a try though. To be continued !

Hang on Studio Wall

This was an experiment. Having drawn my subject and dropped in a few random pigments wet in wet, I covered the surface with a blue wash and then removed paint to reveal the lights. Felt a bit like cheating - un-painting - but I liked the effect of a dusty room with light coming from an unseen source.

About the Artist
Sharon Van Der Veen

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