Summer scene

Summer scene

A lovely piece - love the spontaneity that shines through and the beautiful merging of clean washes.

Wonderful sense of aerial perspective with that line of trees marching away from us. Great watery and muted colours - super use of watercolour.

Great sense of depth and the reflections in the canal are superb.

Thanks Seok, Thea and Joseph for your nice comments, much appreciated and encouraging. I get really unsure when I try to loosen up, and can't help tweaking things to death. What attracts me most in other people's work always seems unattractive to me in my own stuff - but I'm working on it.

I think that this conveys that lazy, Faye summery day feeling very well! Love the line of trees Sharon!

Hang on Studio Wall

This is a record of a lazy summers day spent lounging along the banks of the canal from Nieuwpoort to Veurne in Flanders. No focal point except the sun on my back, and no drawing, just trying hard to shake off that nagging voice in my head which demands more detail. Painted on Schut Terschelling HP 300gsm 30x40cm

About the Artist
Sharon Van Der Veen

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