

Neil, I love Magnolia's. I have one in my garden It is Liliflora Nigra. The beauty of Liliflora Nigra is, that it is in flower for much longer than the one you have painted here. Love the Goldcrest. It is a smashing piece of work. I have seen your work somewhere - I think I linked onto it on the web. Jeannette

I love magnolias, only around for a short time but they give such pleasure - as does your painting, lovely

Hang on Studio Wall

This magnificent Tree grows in the churchyard of St Michaels in Helston and is only yards from my studio in Church Street. The Magnolia is only in full bloom for a short period in the spring and if there are strong winds the petals are scattered like giant confetti. The light on these thick petals and the wonderful twisting branches make this a great composition. The bird is a Goldcrest which can be seen around the church.

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Ian Griffiths

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